Matzot Moons

There are 3 full moons of Pesach, just as there are 3 matzot on the Seder plate. Though only one happens in the time of the holiday, they are there to remind us, to get us in order.

The first is the full moon of Shevat, when the New Year for Trees arises and the sap of the world begins to flow. This is the bottom matzah.
The second is the full moon of Purim. Yachatz, it is broken. Like Purim itself, a holiday of contradiction, a holiday where the cracks show. Carnival and terror. Joy and genocide. Hidden and revealed. The afikomen taken from this brokenness is a matzah called dessert that we, in our great love, have made into a joy.
The third is that midnight moment itself – breaking free, Pesach.

Each matzah round as the moon that marks our Jewish lives. Each moon ever-changing, just as we Jews are ever-renewing. Each month a reminder that our holidays are tied to this world we could love, this Earth that could be Olam HaBa, if only we truly renew our Selfs.

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