Month of Taste – Fuck Diet Culture

Its a well timed middle-finger-to-diet-culture matchup between the secular new year and the Jewish new month. This new Jewish month – Sh’vat – has the trait of taste and the associated organ of the stomach. It is also the new year for trees, reminding us that spring is in the wings, steadily slowly preparing for its entrance. The secular new year is – under capitalism – sadly obsessed with weight and dieting.
Capitalism is ravenous and it loves selling us things like diet culture, to punish our bodies for existing. But your body is a feast, a party, a celebration! This is the month to revel in flavor, to celebrate your gut. Take a taste, let your mouth deeply savor what it wants. Take the time to relish what appeals to you. If you can cook a little treat, enjoy. Be your own feast where you can; do not let them bequeath ourselves famine.

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