Its 2:15 am and I felt the temperature drop in this little uninsulated attic perch.
This is the hour, entering into REM dream sleep, the hypothalamus let’s loose it’s thermostat controls.
This is the hour when the body’s basal temperature drops lowest, corercing even night owls to nest.
This is the hour Dreaming unprotects your breathing, snoring and apnea worse, longer, uneven.
This is the hour those sleeping in the cold, while Lamborghinis are parked in heated buildings and skyscrapers stand empty lighted,

This is the hour the unhoused that pass tonight in Seattle will die, from hypothermia and from our societal neglect.

Barukh dayan emet. Blessed is the True Judge, the one who knows this world’s judgement is not justice.

May haShem forgive us this system most are trapped in and may El Shaddai revenge their blood.

May each of their memories be a blessing.

1 thought on “

  1. With the super cold weather there, I’ve been thinking so much about the homeless and wondering where they will go.

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